LgL34c stuck in boot loop

Re: LgL34c stuck in boot loop

Postby Lindsay » Tue Dec 08, 2015 1:36 am

Hi Pjmeme. My name is NET10 Lindsay. We’re sorry for the trouble. We need to take this issue offline, so I can address it further. I will contact you directly with a private message. Thank you.
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Re: LgL34c stuck in boot loop

Postby Lindsay » Tue Dec 08, 2015 1:37 am

Hi Guyersm. My name is NET10 Lindsay. We’re sorry for the trouble. We need to take this issue offline, so I can address it further. I will contact you directly with a private message. Thank you.
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Re: LgL34c stuck in boot loop

Postby dsevenich » Tue Dec 15, 2015 2:11 pm

My phone is currently stuck in the boot loop as well. Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: LgL34c stuck in boot loop

Postby dsevenich » Tue Dec 15, 2015 2:19 pm

How is nobody here to help me? Must I go to Cricket Wireless? My wife and I have had Net 10 for years. Where is the service?
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Re: LgL34c stuck in boot loop

Postby dsevenich » Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:20 pm

WTF Net 10? Why is there no help? I even PM a mod. Everyone who reads this needs to know that the Service with this company sucks, don't buy a phone and use their service or you'll just be mad later in life.
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Re: LgL34c stuck in boot loop

Postby ManzoNT » Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:20 pm

Hi. dsevenich. My name is NET10 Jose. I’m going to try to help you now. We need to take this issue offline so I can address it further. I will contact you directly with a private message. Thank you.
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Re: LgL34c stuck in boot loop

Postby FrustratedPhoneUser » Wed Dec 16, 2015 1:31 am

Hi, I found this topic while google searching for a solution to this issue. I'm having the same problem as everyone else here. I was also on a web chat session with a tech rep and she tried to help me hard reboot the phone. Nothing worked. spent about an hour with her. she was great, but, not sure why the phone would not reset.

So, has anyone been successful with getting the LG-L34-C to reset? I need some help/advice to solve this issue.

These are the details of the problem:

Last night got an error message on the phone that a service had crashed. (don't remember which one.) So I turned the phone off & put it on the charger as it needed to be charged anyway. Then earlier today when I turned the phone back on, it would not boot past the Tracphone logo, It just kept cycling between the Logo & a blank blue screen. so I went to the support web chat & after telling the rep what was going on she told me to pull out the battery, wait a few seconds & then put it back in. then hold down the Power/Lock button while also holding down the Volume Down button, the when the LG logo appeared on the screen, let the power button go & then quickly press it again. she said this would bring up an option for a hard reset. unfortunately that didn't work, all it did was make the phone vibrate & Made the LG logo screen re-appear. After trying this several times it was obvious it wasn't going to work, the tech rep told me that I had a couple of other options either I could purchase a new phone or I could buy a "Bring Your Own Phone" activation kit. Before I do either of those I decided to post here to see if anyone was able to successfully hard reset their phone.

Thanks in advance to all who reply!
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Re: LgL34c stuck in boot loop

Postby dbarrera » Thu May 12, 2016 12:19 am


I also have an LGL34C and am experiencing the same problem.
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Re: LgL34c stuck in boot loop

Postby Aleisha667 » Thu May 19, 2016 7:37 pm

I also am experiencing this problem with my LG phone. I took the battery out when it first happened a few days ago and it returned to normal. Today after I did a turn off and restart phone it's been doing this over eight hours. Is there any way to fix this without having to buy a new phone?
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Re: LgL34c stuck in boot loop

Postby PrdPolack » Sat May 21, 2016 7:11 am

I am another one who recently have had trouble with the phone going into random reboots. I have tried resetting back to factory settings, but the phone refuse to be reset. It is NOT a continuous loop, as of yet. Besides just leaving it off(taking out the battery), is there a solution to get phone back to be a phone?
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