by shaunbarnes » Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:35 pm
I updated my unlocked iPhone 5 this afternoon to TFW 15.7 and went from 4G to 3G. I had thought that maybe our towers were getting an LTE upgrade but now it just seems we've been downgraded to 3G. Net10 customer service was absolutely useless and knew nothing. They actually said it was because I don't have 4G in my area! WTF I've had the 4G icon for at least 8 months. Does anyone know what the carrier updates does? The rep also said it may be because I've gone over my 2.5GB allowance which is bogus because I have only used 500MB or so. I live in Missoula Montana so that might be part of the problem! -10 degrees outside so maybe it's the frigid weather taking it's toll on the towers... who knows.