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PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 4:31 pm
by dodger
It says my plan is 45.00 but also lists I get a 5.00 discount or credit. I do not get a 5.00 credit for nothing

Subtotal $45.00
Discounts and Credits $5.00
Tax1 $2.70
Prepaid Wireless 9-1-1 Surcharge2 $0.86
Federal Universal Service3 $0.68
Regulatory Cost Recovery4 $0.09
Purchase Amount $49.33

somebody needs a math class

Re: Credit??????

PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 5:05 pm
by alita
Hi dodger. My name is NET10 Alita. Please check your Forum inbox for a private message. Thank you.