50 plan not unlimited?

Re: 50 plan not unlimited?

Postby kailasue88 » Sun Jul 20, 2014 12:15 am

It is unlimited, it just means that it has 1.5 GB of high speed data, once that is used up, it slows down a little bit. Browsing speed, downloads, video streaming, etc. will not be as fast once the 1.5 GB are gone.
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Re: 50 plan not unlimited?

Postby Net - Catherine » Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:38 am

Hi kailasue88. My name is NET10 Catherine. The data will have high (3G-4G) speed until it reaches 3 GB. At 3 GB, the data speed will be reduced for the remainder of the 30-day cycle. . Data will be restored at a reduced speed 24 hours after an Airtime card is added on your Service End Date. Thanks.
Net - Catherine
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Re: 50 plan not unlimited?

Postby jed234 » Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:55 am

Net - Catherine wrote:Hi kailasue88. My name is NET10 Catherine. The data will have high (3G-4G) speed until it reaches 3 GB. At 3 GB, the data speed will be reduced for the remainder of the 30-day cycle. . Data will be restored at a reduced speed 24 hours after an Airtime card is added on your Service End Date. Thanks.

"Data will be restored at a reduced speed 24 hours after an Airtime card is added on your Service End Date." ?? Please explain this.
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Re: 50 plan not unlimited?

Postby Net - Larry » Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:56 am

Hi jed234. My name is NET10 Larry. Data speed will return to normal 24 hours after your redemption. Thanks.
Net - Larry
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Re: 50 plan not unlimited?

Postby Net - Felice » Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:24 pm

Hi fastcar7712. My name is NET10 Felice. Please check your Forum inbox for a message.
Net - Felice
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Re: 50 plan not unlimited?

Postby Net - Felice » Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:31 pm

Hi cc898. We're sorry but we cannot confirm that information from here. To further assist you with your inquiry, please call 1-877-836-2368; opens from Monday to Sunday 8:00 AM to 11:45 PM EST.
Net - Felice
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Re: 50 plan not unlimited?

Postby owl74 » Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:10 pm

Net - Felice wrote:Hi cc898. We're sorry but we cannot confirm that information from here. To further assist you with your inquiry, please call 1-877-836-2368; opens from Monday to Sunday 8:00 AM to 11:45 PM EST.

why can't you just confirm it here so that everyone reading this damn forum will know what it means. Rather posting a new question and waiting for some Net10Asshole to answer which can take 1 million years, then asking to take it online again.
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Re: 50 plan not unlimited?

Postby 601gurrl » Tue Feb 24, 2015 11:54 am

That is exactly why they DO NOT post that information here. They do not want to scare away potential customers.
I have an At&t iphone using with net10. Ive had this phone a month and a half. This is EXACTLY the reason i'm trying to switch back to my previous LG net10 phone. My data was throttled both times wayyyyy ahead of time. Facebooking is impossible, watching videos or trying to play games is useless and you would be very surprized how fast the data runs out. It is capped at 1.5GB per month for $50 plus tax is what im paying.
My service was throttled a week ago and i still have until MARCH 4th before im no longer throttled (when i pay for next month)
When i called to have my phone service switched to previous phone...guess what? I will have to wait 3-5 days for new sim to arrive. I've dealt with this a couple times before. 3-5 days turns into 2 weeks to a month. and i can't wait. I am pregnant and due any day now, with 3 kids at home and can't be without a phone because my car just broke. So im wanting to switch companies. Cant deal with this BS right now. Tired of POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE.
I will just suck it up and buy a phone from another company with better customer service.
Data for net10 phones or sims is either 2.5gb or 3gb i believe, unless that has changed. it wouldn't surprise me A BIT.
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Re: 50 plan not unlimited?

Postby teezate » Wed Oct 28, 2015 10:00 am

i Subscribed to a plan and they just changed after I enrolled and they are not willing to assist me please help me its not fair. I have screenshots and email chats showing the plan i enrolled for an yet i have something different showing after enrolling. i feel helpless and hopeless.
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Re: 50 plan not unlimited?

Postby giomaz » Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:52 am

it should be unlimited w/no conditions after all 20$ more in sprint give you unlimited and i mean unlimited usage no slow no 1.5 no 3.0 gb
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